sure wish more people could take a page out of granpa's book! personally, as i perceive the neck vein bulging rage my liberal family has for djt (and to a weirder extent for rfkjr) along with their passionate support for the deplorable kh and her party, i can only surmise it has to do w/their scrambled biology (many shots) effecting their ability to see the big picture and ask reasonable questions. it's a crazy-ass world if you ask me.
sure wish more people could take a page out of granpa's book! personally, as i perceive the neck vein bulging rage my liberal family has for djt (and to a weirder extent for rfkjr) along with their passionate support for the deplorable kh and her party, i can only surmise it has to do w/their scrambled biology (many shots) effecting their ability to see the big picture and ask reasonable questions. it's a crazy-ass world if you ask me.